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“Edagum SM Rus” LLC offers organic products under the trade mark EDAGUM ® SM . Due to their unique composition products EDAGUM ® SM can find an application in many areas of use: in plant production, animal industries, oil and gas industries, environmental technologies and others.

We invite business partners for cooperation in distribution of products EDAGUM ® SM in your country.


Garden and kitchen garden

Natural humic fertilizer of new generation EDAGUM® SМ is made on the basis of environmentally sound low-land peat considering last achievements in plant nutrition and soil fertilization.

Destination: for all kinds of horticultural cultures, increase their productivity, improvement of production quality, protection against diseases of vegetables, fruits, berries, root crops, seedling of trees and bushes, ornamentals, flowers, lawns and everything that grows in a garden, backyard, greenhouse, on a balcony and windowsill; for acceleration of composts maturation, soil remediation from various pollutants (heavy metals, petrochemicals, radionuclides, etc.)



Differences between products from analogues

Currently a wide assortment of humic fertilizers is offered in the global market: humates as powders and liquid concentrates; humates produced from peat, bottom sediments, organic wastes and other raw materials. All of them stimulate plant growth and development, but they are effective in a different degree.

The fertilizer EDAGUM®SM is a natural regulator of plant growth and development produced from environmentally sound lowland peat. EDAGUM®SM differs from other industrial humates by higher biological activity, which is caused by its unique composition, namely ...





Liquid humic fertilizer EDAGUM ® SМ is applied in plant production for: increasing the productivity of various agricultural crops by 10-50% and more; increasing plant resistance to drought, bacterial and fungal diseases; plant stress coping after application of plant protection products; improvement the quality of produced plant production; increasing water holding capacity of sandy soils (at an average on 30%); restoration soil fertility; and many other.